Airline Pilot duties, responsibilities, and skills and general pilojob description.

Learn about the key requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills that should be in a pilot job description. Also called aviators, pilots operate aircraft in various industries. They can be employed in the commercial sector, work for airlines, the military, or take on private jobs. Pilots typically form part of a crew consisting of the captain, and the first officer or co-pilot, who work together to safely fly and navigate aircraft. They also perform regular aircraft inspections. The pilot’s responsibilities include transporting passengers and cargo, determining the safest routes, analyzing flight plans and weather conditions, calculating fuel, and inspecting operation systems and navigation equipment. During emergencies, you should react appropriately and help keep the cabin crew and passengers calm. To be successful as a pilot, you should be detail-orientated and be able to focus under pressure. Outstanding candidates are lifelong learners with superb self-confiden...