AVIATION PILOT is one Highly Paid & Prestigious Profession! Become a Pilot


Become Professional pilot, session starting soon at the Collège d’Aéronautique in Montréal, Canada. Get A commercial pilot license from the Canadian Ministry of Transport. Certifications respected Worldwide. High training Standards, According to Employers Requirements. Finish Faster. Affordable Tuition. Payment Facility. Student assistance to get student permit, student Loan, Housing, Health insurance coverage.  New session every month. 

Enrol and start a successful career.

Collège d’Aéronautique, 300 Boulevard Marcel-Laurin, Bureau 200, Montréal (Québec) H4M 2L4, Canada, Phone Number / Numéro de tél: (514) 315-8762 ext 200 and 225

website http://www.collegeaeronautique.com

Write to inquire on the Session Starting soon. Write us an Email to get more information


 Click this video link to watch short presentation 

keywords: École de pilotage d’avions – Aircraft Flight School – Aviation institute - Aviation Academy.

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